Monday, December 19, 2011

Heart Attack: basic symptoms women should know.

There has been a lot of news recently about women and men having different types of pain and symptoms while suffering through a heart attack. According to that is true in some ways, "women are less likely than men to feel chest pain during a heart attack. Studies suggest that more women than men experience so-called "atypical" symptoms, such as back pain, nausea, or fatigue." "Atypical" meaning less common, even though these are rather common symptoms. It is also more common for women to have pain in their arms rather than their chest.

There are different Stages of symptoms which can help foresee the coming of a heart attack. though it is not always easy to come to the conclusion that the symptoms are predictors of a heart attack, these are some things to be conscious of at all times because as stated on that these symptoms can appear "from about 4 to 6 months to 1 week before (though some people report these symptoms up to 2 years before their heart attack."

-Unusual fatigue
-Sleep disturbance
-Shortness of breath
-Chest pain
-Pain in shoulder blade or upper back

Next, the symptoms of the heart attack in progress. If you see someone experiencing these symptoms make sure to take the nessisary emergency medical call, it's always best to be over safe the. Under when the heart is concerned.

-Back, neck, or jaw pain

Finally, take care of yourself. Try to make little changed in your diet for healthier foods or taking a walk after dinner eery night. Take care of loved ones, and be consciously aware of not only your well being but those who surround you.

If you have any questions or want more information about heart related health, check the blog again in the future or type in "heart attack information .org" into a search engine.

Please feel free to leave a comment with your stories or any information that you come across that expands on this topic.


1. McSweeney JC, Cody M, Crane PB. Do you know them when you see them? Women's prodromal and acute symptoms of myocardial infarction. J Cardiovasc Nurs. 2001;15:26-38.

2. Milner KA, Funk M, Richards S, et al. Gender differences in symptom presentation associated with coronary heart disease. Am J Cardiol. 1999;84:396-399.

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