Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Ten Things Not to Forget About Alzheimer's

This was an amazing seminar presented to some of our office employees by Michael R. Villanueva a few weeks ago and we thought it would be beneficial for everyone to know. If you would like some more information about these ten things please contact our Medford office at the phone number in the side bar. If you would like more information on how to keep up a relationship with a loved one who has Alzheimers click the following link: Link

1. Remember that they don't. Many times people caring for loved ones with Alzheimers will know in their mind that the person has trouble remembering but will often not act or speak in a way that acknowledges it.

2. Refrain from arguing.

3. Understand that you may not always understand them.

4. Less is more. When presented with a large array of options it can be overwhelming.

5. Know that they may get agitated or frustrated when it doesn't seem like logical situation to be upset about.

6. Don't assume your loved one is depressed when they no longer enjoy activities they once did. Apathy is a behavior which can be common in those who have Alzheimer's.

7. Often people who have Alzheimer's change their habits. Something they once loved to do; like shopping, may not be something they enjoy now.

8. Playing 20 questions with a person who suffers from Alzheimer's does not always help them remember something from the past. Usual daily questions that are normal in every day situations, but too many questions can become overwhelming.

9. Alzheimer's not only impairs memory but it can also disrupt every day motor skills like using a fork or knife. Daily activities like bathing or making coffee can prove to be a tricky task for someone suffering from Alzheimer's.

10. Denial is part of it. There may be a lack of awareness of the common symptoms of Alzheimer's in the patient as well as in their family.

Patience - Caring - Listening - Acceptance - Flexibility 

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Laughing is the Cure

Give your stress wings and let it fly away.  ~Terri Guillemets
On those off day's where stress has taken over and it's hard to stay optimistic, there is a way to fix it. Studies have shown that laughing at problems, problems you have no control over or those little daily glitches can make it easier to manage. Too much stress can lead to weight gain, heart disease and cancer. Forcing yourself to laugh, at first is not easy, but the longer you do it, the more your mood has a chance to lift and you can face the challenge head on in a positive way.

What is stress?
Stress is what we describe as our response to threatening or challenging events.

Many things can cause stress throughout our lives, that we never thought would. There are the obvious "stressors" (the actual things that cause stress) like major live changes, moving to a new city, financial difficulty or a death in the family. On the other end of the stressor scale are little things like being late to an event, procrastinating or forgetting your tooth brush while traveling. Many problems with stress, besides the health and those are the specific factors in stress. Pressure, uncontrollably, frustration and aggression are all negative outcomes of stress.

However, not all stress is a bad thing. Many good things come from pressures, as long as they are not overwhelming or happen too often. But be sure that when things are becoming too much, you reach to your healthy outlet. Below are some suggestions for healthy outlets, and a list of unhealthy outlets that you should be aware of.

Healthy Outlets

  • Laughter
  • Meditation
  • Yoga
  • Reading
  • Taking a long hot bath 
  • Going for a walk (witch can also be a motivator)
Unhealthy Outlets
  • Browsing the internet (This is a huge one! If you want to get away from things, surfing the web is the least helpful.)
  • Smoking 
  • Alchohol/Depressants 
If you have a different way to deal with stress let us know! Follow us on Twitter and like our Facebook page.

The mark of a successful man is one that has spent an entire day on the bank of a river without feeling guilty about it.  ~Author Unknown

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Exercise - Ultimate Guide to a Smile

"I must do something" 
always solves more problems than 
"Something must be done."
Yoga is not for the faint of heart and if done incorrectly can hurt your body. But yoga can also have a positive impact on your life, increasing happiness, relaxation, flexibility, strength, posture and balance. That's not to mention the positive impact it can have on your heart, concentration and mood. Yoga is meant to focus the mind on the body to become relaxed and de-stress from the day.

Tai Chi is a lot like yoga because of all the health benefits they share-the heart is an example. I best remember Tai Chi from the movie Meet the Fockers. To the right is an example of this meditation.

However, yoga and Tai Chi may not be for the elderly, due to a lot of bending and stretching. there are still exercise classes created specifically to bend to those challenges.

When elderly are in situations where they feel more in control of their lives, being able to cook for themselves, or help cook and clean they tend to be happier and healthier. Getting out of the house and going for daily walks or taking bi-weekly water aerobics classes are things to improve the lifestyle of a loved one. Be sure to have your senior talk with their doctor before getting started.

Water Aerobics not only helps joint pain anOsteoarthritis but it's a low impact movement activity which reduces the possibility for injuries. Below there is a link to a few water aerobic exercises which can be done outside of an aerobics class during public swim. 

It is very beneficial to to everyone involved when a loved senior is active when they can be and there are simple ways to do this. Down below are not only links to water aerobic classes for beginners but places that offer Yoga and Tai Chi as well. If cost is a problem there are many scholarships available. Call the numbers on the different websites and ask for scholarship information for their classes.

Yoga - Ashland and Medford
Yoga - Klamath Falls

Tai Chi - Medford
Tai Chi - Ashland and Medford

Water Aerobics - Medford
Water Aerobics - Klamath Falls
Water Aerobics - Grants Pass

Water Aerobic Exercises

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

How to Say "I Love You"

Seeing as how it's Valentines day here are a bunch of ways to tell people you love them and a brief history of St. Valentine.

History of St. Valentine

Around 270 A.D. in the middle of February St. Valentine died. Which is why we celebrate Valentines day, the day to celebrate loved ones. It may seem a bit backwards but let me explain from the start.

Emperor Claudius II (a roman) came to the conclusion that single men made for better suited soldiers then married, or "attached" men with families. Claudius then made it illegal for young men to marry.

Valentine, seeing the unjust of the situation, rebelled by continuing to marry young men to their loved ones. When Claudius found out about this, he ordered for Valentine to be put to death.

There are variations of Valentines story but it sticks to history that before his death he wrote a letter entitled "For my Valentine". The validity of the history and tale of St. Valentine is a bit foggy but he stands as a figure of justice and love. And in most books, that's the mark of a hero.

I always thought Cupid on the Disney movie Hercules was adorable. Cupid is the Ancient Roman God of love. He was the son of Mercury the winged messenger and Venus the Goddess of love according to the myths. Much of the time he was portrayed as mischievous and frivolous with his match making, but also in quite a bit of literature he was characterized as beneficent.

How to say "I love you"

I love you - Je t'aime (jeh-te-aim)
Be mine - être à moi (eh-tre mo-i)

I love you - Te amo
Be mine - Sea el mio (seh el mio)

I love you - Ego amare (eh-go ah-mar-e)
Be mine - Esse Mea (ess-eh mia)

I love you - Eu te amo
Be mine - Seja meu (seh-jah mew)

American Sign Language (ASL)

Monday, February 6, 2012

Internet Basics

Web Browsers:

Internet Explorer
Over the years many web browsers have popped up, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari and Google Chrome to name a few. Each has their benefits but with the rapid growing pace of the internet it may be a good idea to switch from using one of the older  browsers (Internet Explorer, or Safari) to the newer ones.

Sometimes Internet Explorer prevents users from being able to open certain things on the internet, whether that be a picture, video or link. Often in the place of these you will see a red x. Also, with the increase in online shopping and social media hackers have become very sneaky when it comes to hacking Internet explorer. It is no longer the safest or fastest browser available to the public.

Mozilla Firefox
Google Chrome
So I recommend to you Google Chrome or Firefox. Either one of these (I am biased towards Google Chrome) are built to handle the viruses and hackers of today. Both are speedy (if you switch from Explorer or Safari you will be able to tell the difference) and have easy to learn features that help you stay organized.

But of course like any of the web browsers out there you will need a software that will protect you from all viruses. Web browsers are like umbrellas, they will keep you dry and safe from the basic rain (viruses) but the Trojan hackers or Keystroke Hackers (hackers that can tell everything you type) will get you. I highly recommend Norton Antivirus because it is a high quality product that does not slow down your computer and other then the necessary updates and computer scans does its job without bothering you. It does cost money but it's worth it. Getting a virus on your computer will cost way more in the end then the annual fee.

Here are the links to download the different web browsers and the antivirus software. The web browsers are completely FREE and take little time to download (you may have to do a computer restart though, so save all your work before starting the download).

Download Firefox
Download Google Chrome
Norton Antivirus