Monday, February 6, 2012

Internet Basics

Web Browsers:

Internet Explorer
Over the years many web browsers have popped up, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari and Google Chrome to name a few. Each has their benefits but with the rapid growing pace of the internet it may be a good idea to switch from using one of the older  browsers (Internet Explorer, or Safari) to the newer ones.

Sometimes Internet Explorer prevents users from being able to open certain things on the internet, whether that be a picture, video or link. Often in the place of these you will see a red x. Also, with the increase in online shopping and social media hackers have become very sneaky when it comes to hacking Internet explorer. It is no longer the safest or fastest browser available to the public.

Mozilla Firefox
Google Chrome
So I recommend to you Google Chrome or Firefox. Either one of these (I am biased towards Google Chrome) are built to handle the viruses and hackers of today. Both are speedy (if you switch from Explorer or Safari you will be able to tell the difference) and have easy to learn features that help you stay organized.

But of course like any of the web browsers out there you will need a software that will protect you from all viruses. Web browsers are like umbrellas, they will keep you dry and safe from the basic rain (viruses) but the Trojan hackers or Keystroke Hackers (hackers that can tell everything you type) will get you. I highly recommend Norton Antivirus because it is a high quality product that does not slow down your computer and other then the necessary updates and computer scans does its job without bothering you. It does cost money but it's worth it. Getting a virus on your computer will cost way more in the end then the annual fee.

Here are the links to download the different web browsers and the antivirus software. The web browsers are completely FREE and take little time to download (you may have to do a computer restart though, so save all your work before starting the download).

Download Firefox
Download Google Chrome
Norton Antivirus

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